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Yet @ maxilian.blog.bg

Tweet x-up >> 14.06.2021 ~ 2335 EEST:

It is not true the federal USA has worked together with EU to promote International rule of law, peace and freedom -- eeas.europa.eu/headquarters/../european-union-united-states-relations.. -- and thanks for no repeating Josep Borrell's false statement here again. They have actually made everything possible so far against the development of International rules-based system, including for the Jurisdictions of UN International Court of Justice and International Criminal Court in The Hague. There are numerous examples of theirs „Pentagon“s use of military force in contrary to peace and security and with long-term disastrous consequences over people's freedom. As a matter of fact, wherever it has come for USA to choose between pacific legal settlement of International disputes or yet another war, they have always been prioritizing on War scenario for achievements, as the Russian Federation, representing their main Cold /but Hot on some regions basis/ war rival. Call it different religion, if you'd like, along their Jewish-AncientEgypto-SomeProtestant-PiratesSkullAndBones-WildWest-GunsAndOils.. story, but their dominant external action service have never even taken Europe as an equal partner. It is doubtful whether federal USA is able to admit equal partners at all, since whenever they feel you are becoming equal, they put you in theirs rivals list. Competition some may also say, but it is simply never seen there as a fair game, as if in some different to European civilization. Like also militaries China and Russia. Proceeding theirs war so forth in Washington they take Europeans as a mere tool. Although only when united on such issues like Death penalty abolition, prisoners torture and War crimes, accordingly International Criminal Court development, fundamental privacy rights safeguard they have managed to discredit with the spread of terrorism and etc., it would be correct to claim equality with Europeans

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